Morocco, when education matters the most!! - Morocco Pens | Ideas Worth Sharing

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Monday, 17 August 2015

Morocco, when education matters the most!!


Hassan Akhyat is a private high school teacher. He got his BA from the department of English at Ibn Zohr University. He conducted a research paper on “Moroccan culture and Language Humor “(SOUSS as a case study). Most of his writings take the form of short stories, poems, and articles. Teaching is his passion.

Ait Melloul, Morocco,

It is universally known that education is the powerful weapon every nation depends on for better improvement, success and radical change. We all agree that no one can deny how urgent it is to reconsider the remarkable effects education can mark on the ground. For many years, countries, such as Finland, USA and Canada, have shown the entire world what successful educational systems they lead, what high ranks they enjoy and how their reputations have amazed the globe.

 It really goes without saying that these pertinent milestones did not happen overnight; rather the state has invested much in education, making sure its teachers are not losing hope, equipping them with the latest 21st century materials, facilitating their social circumstances, encouraging the impoverished families never to deprive their kids from schools and sensitizing them of the greatness schools produce in everyone’s life.

Needless to say the question of education remains a very demanding issue overseas. In other words, people living abroad along with their representatives agreed never to let education lag behind. Because for them, it is an oasis from which they can breathe and taste pride, catch up with the world and sing the song of success and victory.

What draws my attention about the related topic is neither making a real fuss over foreign nations nor praising their states; the real aim is reflection upon countless matters gripping Morocco. I’m sorry that the way Morocco leads itself isn’t inspiring. Too many broken issues are growing rampant. Thus, Education that is supposed to be the preliminary priority and the first issue in which the state should invest has turned out to be marginalized, forgotten and a game for the ministry to play with.

If the state really cares for education, it would not hasten to create unworkable plans that upset innumerable students. If it does want education to go forward, it would not decrease the scholarships for teacher trainees. I believe if it inspires quality education, the rural areas will not witness any drop-outs of school. The state is doing more harm than good.

To make it clear, Morocco is not the real nation we dream of. The real state is that where we all get equal opportunities and where the poor and the rich share the same school, same table and the same educator without any discrepancy. It is a state that visits families in high mountains and provides them with food and shelter; it is the place where hospitals are equipped with sophisticated materials for better health care. It is a nation where the citizens are no longer afraid to speak their needs. It is the country where people will not only be judged by the diplomas they have earned but also by the human values they have acquired. It is a country where youths can freely plan for their secure futures and contribute in the making of the change.  The Morocco we simply want to celebrate one day is the one that respects us as HUMANS if not citizens.

It is never satisfying seeing Morocco going downhill. No matter how slow it grows up, there is still some hope to visualize it from another horizon. Yet, we want the real regime to represent us, feel us and help us live decent lives.  Most people are not satisfied in Morocco. Some of them wish they were not Moroccans; some dream to wake up and find themselves somewhere else other than Morocco. Others wish the hardships could be turned into comfort zones. Another majority is ready to pick any foreign partner and leave for an unknown destination. The rest are just in a big dilemma not knowing what to do, except to pray for miracles to happen.

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