Let’s Pray for a Happy New Year! - Morocco Pens | Ideas Worth Sharing

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Thursday, 31 December 2015

Let’s Pray for a Happy New Year!



Khalid Ouzguid is an ESL teacher. He is certified by The British Council ( TEFL Certificate in 2013), he is teaching at Catering College (English for specific purpose) ,Ouarzazate City. He conducted Applied Linguistics' classes at Multidisciplinary faculty of Ouarzazate. Khalid is a short storyteller and writer.                   

    Ouarzazate, Morocco    

Every year at this particular time I stand up and wake all of my normal senses up to assess my 356 days which I am going to wave farewell goodbye in a few minutes to come.

Absolutely I do not remember days one by one. Yet, my memory strongly keeps the vital and significant events in its rooms. As it is classified by psychologists, always there are two different kinds of rooms: the first one is specialized for bad, negative, brutal and pessimistic impacts while the second one is specialized for good, positive, kind and optimistic events.

Recently I was sitting on a black rock meditating far away from my native race (humans), sometimes trying to grasp how fast years do vanish one after another in unlimited speed, and some other times trying to understand that it’s the obvious way of living and I should take it for granted.

After all, I admit I confess and I feel bad and I regret:

-for all those children who die because of hunger in many parts of the globe whereas the minority dives into a deluxe life.

-for all those innocent refugees who were obliged to leave and forsake their homes with bare feet because of wars and single-narrow-minded ideologies.

-for all those country people who are freezing now because of severe winter, snow and floods  that separate them from the outside and make them isolated for long tough days and nights.

-for all those teacher-trainees who are victims of the two black decrees and who are protesters in an open strike in front of parliament.

-for all lovers who are suffering quite a lot from living apart each other because of work, politics, poverty and boundaries.

For all mothers and fathers who lost a part of their dreams (a son, daughter, or any other close relative).

In the meantime, I wish only one wish: that all the above mentioned notes come to an end and all of the human race could live in harmony, peace and love.

Happy New Year!                                                                                                                

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