Guelmim, Morocco
Apparently, the suitability of either
the traditional classroom or the virtual one for the promotion of the education
system has been a subject of much debate among experts and practitioners in the
field. The efficiency as well as usefulness of the two educational
‘’platforms’’ that both share the same significance and value should come into
the spotlight to drastically improve, what I shall call, the philosophy of the teaching-learning process.
A considerable number of Moroccan
teachers are still thinking of the traditional classroom setting as an
indispensable part of the whole teaching and learning enterprise. For some of
them, this framework represents a real-life educational environment which will
eventually be of enormous value to students’ future academic achievements.
Indeed, a face to face interaction between students and their instructors would
help the former to develop their personality as well as the way they visualize
the world.
It is common-sense knowledge to experts,
teachers and students-researchers in the education field that the social
development of students is “critical to learning,”
i.e. the traditional classroom provides a suitable context for students to
effectively communicate and freely share their thoughts with their peers in a
direct way. This, of course, may result in developing certain skills which are
highly needed among 21st century students as collaboration and innovation, to
mention but a few. By the same token, students can receive direct feed-back
from their teachers on various tasks performed inside the class. However, the
advantages of the traditional classroom setting are
For this reason, there are some
limitations that desperately need to be considered. Kerzazi (1995:46), as a
case in point, summarizes the major difficulties encountered by
teachers in what he calls “oversized classes” in the following points:
A. “Students are unmotivated.
B. There is lack of discipline in our
C. Teachers have a lot of corrections.
D. Teachers have to cover a long
It appears that classroom management is
a typical issue faced by the majority of Moroccan teachers in various stages,
particularly at the secondary and high school-levels. Commonly, in the class,
teachers encounter an unlimited number of problems related to the disruptive behavior of some students which might
negatively affect the whole teaching and learning processes. On the same theme,
the problem of large classes, as Kerzazi (1995) argues, might reduce the level
of motivation in students. Therefore, learning is at stake here.
From another perspective, students are
sometimes deemed as passive learners in this sort of educational setting
depending on the approach adopted by the instructor, whereas teachers are
generally considered to be the only source of knowledge. Whilst the teacher
plays a significant role in the traditional classroom, students usually stand
out as mere ‘inactive’ consumers of information as well as knowledge,
particularly at secondary, high school levels and sometimes at university as
On the other hand, ICT (Information and
Communication Technology) has recently revolutionized the
teaching-learning enterprise; it has substantially served both teachers
and students in so many ways. Since new methods of learning and teaching are a
vital prerequisite in the future schools and colleges, the use of ICT in “South-South”
schools becomes a necessity to abreast with the fast pace of the developed
In the same vein, due to the fact that
learning styles tend to be different, it is claimed that some students can do
better and demonstrate an impressive performance whilst they are involved in a
specific e-learning
context, but this view needs to be empirically
explored in some detail. Besides, this modern educational setting might be of
prime importance to students with special needs who cannot manage to regularly
come to school to follow through their courses.
Normally, e-learning is considered as an
effective pedagogic solution that might help to partially solve the major
problems of large classes. It is fair to say at this point that e-learning
technology has exponentially expanded the educational horizon and has equally
made teachers see the teaching-learning process
in a new different way.
But if truth be
told, e-learning technology cannot compensate students for the real living
educational experience in a campus: school or faculty staff staying with
students and interacting with them. Also, dropouts in online programs can be
easily observed. Needless to mention that teachers’ constructive feed-back, in
this context, often cannot be directly given to their students at the opportune
time, for some errors and remarks should be directly clarified by teachers to
their students either individually or collectively.
To cut a long story short, in such a
globalized and changing world in which we live nowadays, the students of today
and tomorrow, especially in Morocco and the Maghreb countries in general, need to continue learning “digital” and “21st
century” skills with regard to the valuable e-learning experience that is, to
my thinking, essentially complementary to the traditional classroom context.
Kerzazi. A. 1995. “Ways of
Adapting Large Classes: Meeting the Challenge” MATE Proceedings:
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