Omar EL MOUZ is a high school teacher of English. He Got his BA from the department of English at Ibno Zohr university, Agadir. He is interested in writing articles and stories, translating written works from
Agadir, Morocco
When you face
obstacles, that's a sign of progress. It is evidence that you have made a
change. However, this is easier said than done. When you make a certain change,
whatever its degree is, a focused vision is
needed to close your eyes to other factors which
can help in no further steps rather than complicating things. Your life can never be lived by someone else. You are responsible for
your failures as well as for your successes.
When you fail, never blame somebody for taking part in your failure.
Contrariwise, when you succeed, be ready to appreciate others' help even though
it can't be proved in a concrete sense.
It is a form of
illusion to coin every pitfall with others' intervention in one way or another. We rarely start from within to
protect potential attack from our so-called
external world. We merely label our inner self to be innocent and claim that it
is out of any such investigation. Rather, we neglect it and move far beyond the
limits of others’ safe zone to react to what is mostly worth forgetting about.
Our decisions are most of the time a result of the accumulation of certain
pitfalls and progress. Nevertheless, the crux of the matter lies in how to
connect the two by finding a way out of the first and an enforcement of the
second without directing the arrows to any particular external part.
In our daily life, a great concern is devoted
to the proper construction of the self and the right destruction of the other.
This seems unacceptable in a particular sense. But, a deep scrutiny of our
desires proves this truth. The wrong is mistaken and deviated from its right
form. Hardly do we believe in the devilish side in ourselves
and in its uncanniness and mystery. We always try to find a way out of
this trouble by sticking falshood and biased judgments on the other to prove
our failure or decadence. Consequently, it happens that we retrieve all that sort of mischief in an embellished form that uncovers our disequilibruim
rather than stressing our pretended equilibruim.
What has been
said so far may fall in that frame of the uncontrollable meaning. This is true
once we do not reconsider the point of reference of judgement and the
perspective from which we claim the truth is told. Thus, the sense of positive
self should prevail to enforce that clear cut with its mostly
unveiled devilish side.
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