The Day I knew You - Poem - - Morocco Pens | Ideas Worth Sharing

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Wednesday, 28 December 2016

The Day I knew You - Poem -



Oulad Taima, Morocco

I knew the face which always smiled, glittered and shined.
I recognized the touch of your fingers which pushed me up for a first walk.
I could just follow your scent whenever you moved to and fro.
I could feel the threads of your tenderness and affection.
I could even listen to the steady beats of your heart.
On that exact day I knew you.
I recognized the depth of your words which alleviated my stress.
Kept me calm and made me hope for a new dress.
I could hear you walking, carrying all the beautiful wishes, hopes and dreams. 
I could catch your voice reproaching a neighbor’s boy for stealing my toy.
On that exact day I knew you.
I heard you wheezing, coughing and sneezing for having a cold.
My heart was broken for that sickness you were eager to destroy.
I could overhear your talk with dad that I may have had a cold.
If only I could offer my eyes through which you would see your life.
You proved not to me but to dad that you are the best wife.
On that exact day I knew you.
I assure you now; girls of your kind are scarce and hard to find.
You would say you just chose as if I were blind.
But Mom, life is more than one day with such a kind.
Better being single than having one who would trouble my mind.
On that very day I knew you.

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