Laayoune City Will Host Its First International Conference - Morocco Pens | Ideas Worth Sharing

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Monday, 23 April 2018

Laayoune City Will Host Its First International Conference


Written by: Media Committee Laayoune MATE Local Branch

The city of Laayoune will host the first international conference on ELT, from April 27th - 29th 2018 at the “L’ecole Supérieure de Technologie, Laayoune”. The conference is organized by the Laayoune MATE branch in partnership with the regional academy of education and training Laayoune Saqya Lhamra.
The conference will serve as a platform to achieve several objectives, inter alia, expanding teachers’ knowledge on global issues pertaining to ELT, disclosing practical techniques and activities for teaching 21st century skills, sharing best practices, and serving as an opportunity to ameliorate local teachers’ professional development.
The conference’s agenda will mainly focus on addressing both local and global educational needs and expectations through a keynote speech by Professor Gráinne CONOLE, a well-acknowledged British speaker, and an array of panel presentations by other speakers representing other countries which will be followed by discussions. The conference will feature one keynote speech, ten presentations, 6 workshops for EFL teachers and 2 more workshops for EFL students.
The conference will certainly serve as a valuable opportunity for educationalists, researchers, practitioners and regional EFL teachers to share, inspire, exchange knowledge, and address some of the major problems and challenges that hinder ELT in Moroccan context.   




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