Love! A Shocking Word to most Families - Morocco Pens | Ideas Worth Sharing

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Monday, 27 August 2018

Love! A Shocking Word to most Families



Agadir, Morocco

Love! A word that has never been heard in the majority of Moroccan homes and mine included. For some reasons, it is the word most of us fear to utter even to our moms, dads, sisters and brothers. Why is that? I am still thinking why we don’t say the very word love. In our homes, we can discuss everything; I mean we can discuss politics, things related to society, religion, poverty, food and anything you might ever think, but when it comes to the word love, things are changing their directions. This word has never found a proper platform to be discussed in our homes. The only thing that explains the very matter is that we weren’t taught love by our parents. We weren’t taught how to say names to each other let alone to be taught something else. We, the majority of families, do not utter the names of our moms, dads, sisters and brothers. For instance, some dads do not utter the name of their wives and vice versa. Brothers do not respect their sisters and vice versa. As Friedrich Nietzsche once said, “In family life, love is the oil that eases friction, the cement that binds closer together, and the music that brings harmony”.

Besides, the essence of education, to some extent, is gone in our homes. Some families consider that giving birth to their babies, feeding them, buying them clothes and enrolling them in schools are the only things that matter, but, in fact, they are not. Education is something more than just feeding and buying clothes. Education is to show love to your sister and brother, to respect your parents and to love them, to see your father love your mom and vice versa, to see your father kiss your mom and so on, and to see a mom hug her children to show them respect, love and kindness so as to be shared among them.

According to Agatha Christie “A mother’s love for her child is like nothing else in the world. It knows no law, no pity; it dares all things and crushes down remorselessly all that stands in its path.’’ In the contrary, raising children with no love and no respect may lead to a crumbly generation. This latter will, for sure, plant the very virus of no love and respect to their children to come.

Love is the strongest muscle of a great home. It is the fuel that gathers members of a family. It is also the energy that helps a family to be adhered.

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