A Special Love -- Poem --- - Morocco Pens | Ideas Worth Sharing

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Wednesday, 23 December 2015

A Special Love -- Poem ---


Ayoub Ait El Kadi is a middle school private teacher of English. He got his diploma in international commerce and he is an undergraduate student of English at the department of  English at Ibn Zohr University, Agadir. He is the president and co-founder of the new Magazine Morocco Pens.

Agadir, Morocco

It is a special love.
A love I can never encounter.
Very easy for my mouth to utter,
The best of all mankind,
He used to love people of any kind. 

He has been called by all names:
The Messenger, the Lamp, the Generous, and the Wise.
The poor were treated kindly;
He never let anyone go hungry.

It is a special love.
A love I can never encounter.
Very easy for my mouth to utter,
He was the seal of the prophets.
A great man we have never seen.

His face was as shiny
As one companion said “as if the sun were following its course across and shining from his face.”
Even animals were well treated by the one I love most.
I mean all animals, especially pets.
He told us to be generous to our guests.
Unconditional Love was his love.
He cared about all of us.

It is a special love.
A love I can never encounter.
Very easy for my mouth to utter,
I love him, and I will love him.
Muhammad may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him.

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