Teaching Is No Longer a Dream!! - Morocco Pens | Ideas Worth Sharing


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Wednesday, 27 January 2016

Teaching Is No Longer a Dream!!

Agadir, Morocco

Hassan Akhyat is a private high school teacher. He got his BA from the department of English at Ibn Zohr University. He conducted a research paper on “Moroccan culture and Language Humor “(SOUSS as a case study). He is currently teaching Business English in a private center, Dchaira. Most of his writings take the form of short stories, poems, and articles. Teaching is his passion.

The feelings that never make me let go of the teaching profession are indescribable, unique and cannot be told. It has always been the noble feeling and boiling desire inside my heart. I never believed one day I would distance myself from the practice of imparting knowledge inside the hearts of pupils. I never thought something one day would cross my way and spoil the idea of having myself inside the classroom moving from row to another row communicating the things for which I lost the youth of my age at university and the flower of my heart at primary school and high school.

I cannot successfully mention how hard the ordeal I went through was to gain my degrees during my study days. It is actually not easy to let you understand how strong the ups and downs were in my life before I finally completed my schooling career. I have never pictured my future hope for teaching to be distorted and marginalized in all of its aspects. I could always believe there would come a time when educators around Morocco would forever be held in a high rank as respectable agents of change, as valuable components of every glory and most importantly, as an everlasting hope for every generation to come.

Studying to end up in a classroom one day is the springboard that never fails to push me forward. It is the fuel that kindles the flames of determination, patience and hard-working. To put it simple, people with flourishing stories in life didn’t make it out of perseverance, but rather by great efforts, strong willingness and believing in miracles. These were all of the keys to undo the complexities. Let us agree that when life is embodying its massive conditions, do not forget to remember outstanding accomplishments and success afterwards.

Life is worth dying for if incredible results crop up at the end of the day. Let us mention the fact that life is not always about roses; sometimes unexpected stumbling blocks might invade your path. Let us always put in mind that all things are difficult before they are easy. Therefore, these are the points we should not forget while expecting the birth of our dream or dreams.  

The aforementioned ideas are reflecting the maddening thoughts dwelling in my mind, disturbing my peace and stealing my joy. This, in fact, translates the very reason WHY I no longer see teaching as an enjoyable task, a professional job and a comfortable hobby. I do not feel teaching will remain the same passion I once welcomed with stretched-out arms after the black Thursday and massive massacre I witnessed in some Moroccan training centers. Teaching is not welcomed in a country where its so-called officials frustrate their young teachers and bury them alive.

Because of so many irresponsible practices on the state’s side, I unthinkingly believe there is no political will for teaching to flourish and take such dimensions. The horizon from which I see teaching today is dim and invisible. In times when we should roll up our sleeves to compete with the world for better  teaching quality, the state is busy welcoming topless dressed singers and spending illogical amounts of money on festivals and trivialities. In other words, teaching is in a real abyss.  Therefore, there must be something right in order to avoid the things that are wrong.

In brief, the rise of the crime against teaching in my country is a warning alarm and a bad signal that Morocco is moving backwards. For this reason, the change we always want to see, including better quality teaching, should be everyone’s concern, a shared responsibility and a priority. Without coming together to stand against the unwanted decisions, we should not cry over whatever happens in the future!!!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing Si Hassan. I would like to point out that "Perseverance" is indeed "great efforts, strong willingness and believing in miracles"; not to be confused with persistence, which is only trying again and again. I'd like to share an article with you that I wrote a year ago : https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/little-things-which-make-difference-patience-ali-anthony-bell?trk=mp-author-card
    Thank you once again, Salam, Ali Anthony Bell


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